
Our Mission

The Black Student-Athlete Association exists to create a safe space and advocacy channel for Black-identifying student-athletes at LSU. We organize to support the full identities and voices of Black student-athletes, to positively impact our community, promote inclusivity in athletics, collaborate with like-minded campus organizations, and help educate and spread awareness on topics related to social and racial injustice.

Signature Programs

Family Meetings

An affinity space where Black student-athletes can speak freely about their experiences. We encourage healthy discussions about surrent and reevant topics regarding black identity.


A dedicate day of service to honor the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. We partner up with non-profits across the Baton Rouge area to give back and better the community.

The Cookout

The Cookout is the final social event for BSAA that includes competition, games, and food.

Learn more about how to get involved with LSU BSAA

Executive Officers

The Krewe

Executive Advisory Board

Twitter - @LSUBSAA

Instagram - @LSUBSAA